Saturday, August 8, 2015

Family, friends, and country: John Kasich and Ben Carson were the strongest candidates at the GOP debate in Cleveland, Ohio August 6, 2015. Among the top keywords these two gentlemen used were “united” and “freedom.” Trump was the strategists he is and showed a lot of guts. He is right when talking about Obamacare in dissolving the state lines for reforming Obamacare. Insurance companies are making a fortune off of every American because they are controlling the system right now, but that’s only because of the republicans in 2009 and their ACA summit eliminating the public option and inserting their agenda. Politics as usual. I also see Trump as a member of the trade commissions and on the immigration council. I think Trump would be better working on these commissions than as president. He should work where his strengths are. As far as leading the country John Kasich showed the most capable in being realistic and fair to all.

The GOP lineup of candidates and especially, those in business, shows the American people want their country fixed, they want the issues solved, and they want America moving forward and working for everyone, except for Cruz and Walker, who represent a narrow majority for limiting freedom and upward mobility for women and workers. Christie is too much of a politician, but his work in helping to smoke out terrorist in the U. S. and abroad is awesome. Paul, on the other hand, standing up for the privacy of non-plotting Americans is just as admiring, but both have limitations in having the intelligence to lead America.

What is so admiring about Kasich is his military background, experience in creating jobs, and being part of a state that was the star ship in handling health care for all its residents. He also spoke about unity and giving chances to people who think they don’t have a chance anymore in America, so he speaks of hope. Carson is admiring in his thought of not broadcasting to the world America’s strategies, as some may call torture, to excerpt foreign intelligence during war. He also embarked on letting commanders do their jobs as they know how to do them instead of being encumbered by others in power. He messed up when talking about Hillary because he was too broad in his discussion of her, and he should have never took a stab at her, which is another reason Kasich stood above the candidates: he didn’t talk about Hillary.

The GOP debate, was just that, 8.5 out of 10, during the nine o’clock debate (I didn’t see the 5 o’clock debate) being one-sided. It is until the public can hear the other side about the Iran issue that we might really understand what is going on about the deal. Not that I don’t agree with some of what has been said about us not getting our hostages back, just that we have to let the democrats have their say.

Let’s go on to the next debate and see how it shapes up to make further calculations of who is steadfast and unwavering. And what will they say about the economy? Is America going to have another recession sooner as predicted by some news reports and Rand’s father?

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